Weekly Photo Challenge: New

Daily post said in the challenge, “what says “new” or represents possibility better than an adorable six-month-old?” I know better than that. It’s photos of newborn baby! Here’s the photo series of my newborn baby boy from 1-day old to 2-weeks old. His name is Bara.

He is such a cute baby. He is also the greatest new year’s and birthday’s present (tomorrow, January 4 is my birthday) ever! I can’t stop staring at his innocent eyes, the peaceful & cute face when he’s sleeping, and the funny face when he want to poop or pee. Sometimes, he also smiling at his sleep. I wondered what was in his dream.


1-day old Bara peacefully sleeping on his mother’s chest


1-week old Bara making cute and peaceful faces when he sleeps


Our routines every night, kissing baby Bara before we go to bed


Daddy loves you Son.. 🙂


After 2 weeks, we already realized the poop and pee faces. The left picture is Bara’s face when he wants to poop and pee. The right picture is after he poops and pees 😀

New to The Daily Post? Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you’re invited to get involved in our Weekly Photo Challenge to help you meet your blogging goals and give you another way to take part in Post a Day / Post a Week. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if your blog isn’t about photography.